The first kiss photo is certainly one of the most crucial shots for wedding photographers to include in their list of photography shots. This is when the newlyweds celebrate their marriage with a beautiful wedding kiss. As the wedding photographer, it’s your job to preserve the moment perfectly. To get the perfect wedding first kiss, you must be ready. That means you have to be at the right spot at the right time, keep your eyes on the timeline of your wedding ceremony, and be aware of the exact time you and your partner will kiss. In the blog, we’ve provided you with five wedding kiss photography tips and ways to capture the perfect first kiss wedding pictures.
If you are a photographer for weddings, you must be ready for the first kiss of your client as a newlywed couple. Here are five ways to help you capture the perfect photo in the bag:
This is the main step to make sure you get your perfect bridal first kiss photo. It is important to know when the couple will be kissing so that you are at the right spot in the perfect moment. To accomplish this, concentrate on the timeline of your wedding ceremony and ensure you know precisely what time the kiss will be scheduled to occur. Be careful, since you don’t want to be closer to your partner or block any view.
It is always best to take multiple photos of the exact moment so that you can pick the best one for post-production. If your couple is kissing, make sure you take a few pictures from different angles. So you and your partner will have many first-lippy wedding pictures to pick from. In the event that you’ve got an additional photographer who is with you, be sure to designate them to a certain location during the ceremony. In this way, you will take various angles of the ideal wedding kiss.
If you’re shooting at a dark wedding location, it is recommended to use flash lighting, which is essential to ensure that you capture the perfect first kiss photo. This will allow you to freeze the moment and record all the particulars of your client’s first kiss as a newlywed couple. Make sure you ask permission beforehand and understand the rules for flash photography if your couple is planning an wedding in a church.
It is important to be close enough to capture an effective shot, but not close enough to be getting in the way. The ideal scenario is to ruin your first kiss due to sitting way too far away! The lens you select will influence how good your wedding’s first kiss photographs. You can utilize the Telephoto lens to be close to the couple, but not too close. This allows you to capture the entire nuances of their moment.
If you’re unsure whether the couple will be able to be kissing or if you feel you’ll miss the moment or even being in the wrong place or not capturing a great enough picture, don’t be afraid of asking to retake the photo. Make contact with the couple as soon as possible after your wedding is finished. Return them to where they were at the time of the ceremony. You can ask for them to recreate the wedding’s moment of first kiss. You could also suggest to couples various wedding kiss postures to help create the perfect moment. Here are a few ideas on how to kiss during wedding pictures: