The Middle Ages was one of three periods in the story of Europe, which spanned five and the fifteenth centuries. In this time period, there were diverse styles and innovations were made, including the clock with a mechanical mechanism and eyeglasses, were invented. But for every new or relatively simple invention that was invented, there was an insidious and completely barbaric design behind it. For instance, one of the numerous heinous tortures that were used in that time was known as the pear of anguish. Its purpose? The pear was placed inside the mouth, vagina/anus/vagina to punish women with miscarriages, homosexuals, lying and people who were blasphemous (Dvorsky). Also, this time period impacted many of the traditions that are prevalent in nations built on a European basis, including a marriage, which has changed significantly based on the…show additional information…
Two members of a traditional couple take the emotional and physical steps to elevate the relationship to marriage status. The proposal can be as simple as one of the partners getting down on their knees and asking the question’ or even an elaborate jester to their spouse. Most often, an engagement is decided upon by the two of them. The couple (at the time) displays a romantic or sexual attraction to each other. Initial, Middle Age engagement seems to be the complete opposite. Girls in the Middle Ages who reached puberty were married in a matter of minutes immediately after. Their parents did not focus on whether they liked the man, but it was all about the amount of money. In reality, the groom was compensated with an amount of money to marry the girl that was then presented during the marriage. The men that these families would marry their daughters were middle-aged, with excellent businesses, and were more mature. In America, this may seem odd, but in the beginning in the early 20th century, it was quite widespread. There is one location on the map with more than 90% of marriages arranged: India. Indeed, a 2013 IPSOS study found that 74 percent of the younger Indians (18-35 years old) prefer an arrangement-based marriage over a choice-based one (Dholakia). Therefore, even though the concept of weddings arranged is odd, the custom has not waned in the eastern region.
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- Assists in explaining that the mid-age was one of three divisions of the history of Europe, which lasted from the five fifteenth century.
- Proves engagement to be the culmination of the whole process that marriage involves. The proposal is as simple as one person ‘popping it or creating an elaborate jester for their spouse.
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