"Reaction shots," which capture how guests react to who is watching the wedding's events when they happen, provide a unique dimension to the photojournalism of...
Capturing Quiet Moments at Weddings
Weddings are often chaotic, noisy occasions where people are exposed to their emotions. One of the most significant challenges on your wedding day will...
Dragging the Camera Shutter at the Wedding
Photographers "drag" the shutter by slowing the speed of the shutter to lengthen the exposure to create a motion. A flash burst could also freeze...
Wedding Photographers Receiving Thank You
This is a summary of actual letters to clients from WPJA weddings of WPJA members. It's clear from those sentiments that wedding photojournalism is...
Photographing Fleeting Wedding Details
When you press the shutter camera lens, it captures only a moment in time that will never be repeated in precisely the same manner. In...
Wedding Photography with Depth
Anyone who's attended an event knows that there's no easy task in a photographer's job. This is particularly relevant for wedding photographers whose objective...
Making Wedding Portraits Ideas for Wedding Photos
Portraits are a part of every wedding, but some photographs can etch them into the memories and create a memorable picture that stands out...
Photos that aren’t part of the leading Wedding story
Certain wedding photographers might think it is necessary to include the groom or bride in every photograph; however, these pictures convey only a small...
Capturing intimate moments with parents at the Wedding
In the classic 1950 film The Father of the Bride, a classic film from 1950, George, played by Spenser Tracy, is watching his daughter Annie...
Photographing Through the Wedding Chaos
Weddings are not only the final expression of a couple's love. It's also the culmination of a lot of pre-planning and planning. However, despite the...